Keeping you warm in the winter and cool in the summer are Mechanical Extreme’s top priorities. But furnace and air conditioners are complicated by a myriad of interlocking parts and sophisticated electronics. From time to time, they need love. Ignore them and you run the risk of a breakdown at the wrong time, and an unplanned expense. The Extreme Comfort Plans help ensure better outcomes over the life of your system.
One Extreme Comfort customer found how the plan worked in her favor. When Mechanical Extreme’s service tech responded to Ashley’s (not her real name) call, they found the culprit–a circuit board failure. They replaced it, solving the problem. Because Ashley had the Gold Plan, she was able to save $90.20.
Three plans create a custom approach to your specific situation.
Consider doing maintenance and repairs on your terms, not when your heat or cooling stops working.
Consider doing maintenance and repairs on your terms, not when your heat or cooling stops working. Click here or on the logo below to view plan options.
Phone (517) 812-2484
Fax: (517) 547-4102