Need Refrigerant for Your AC?

Need Refrigerant for Your AC?

Is your AC 12 years old or older, and you’re wondering if it will make it through another season?  Then, January 1, 2020, is a date that lives in infamy.  Why?  Older air conditioners require R-22 refrigerant.  As of 2020, its manufacture or import is no longer...
Extreme Comfort – Which Plan Is Right for You?

Extreme Comfort – Which Plan Is Right for You?

Keeping you warm in the winter and cool in the summer are Mechanical Extreme’s top priorities.  But furnace and air conditioners are complicated by a myriad of interlocking parts and sophisticated electronics.  From time to time, they need love.  Ignore them and you...
More Extreme Comfort

More Extreme Comfort

Extreme Comfort Plans are about keeping you warm in the winter and cool in the summer—and avoiding costly repairs. Each plan features a sliding scale of Tune-Ups included.  What follows is a real life story at one of them. The Mechanical Extremes tech spotted a...
Extreme Comfort from Mechanical Extremes

Extreme Comfort from Mechanical Extremes

Mechanical Extremes’ top priority is the proper heating and cooling of your home. Your thermostat should be something you set and forget.  Then, reality steps in.  To achieve top performance, today’s furnaces, air conditioners, and control devices are not just...
Unlimited Hot Water

Unlimited Hot Water

Who hasn’t experienced this?  Someone takes a long shower and leaves you to freeze until the hot water heater recovers.  That scenario is a thing of the past with a Navien tankless hot water heater.  It never runs out of hot water for showers, the dishwasher, or...
Extreme Comfort – Which Plan Is Right for You?

Customer Service that Counts

Is good customer service a thing of the past?  It’s alive and well at Mechanical Extremes.  Harold and Stacey Wilkes and their team are committed to exceed your expectations.  In this video, Stacey tells what happens if you need emergency help, as well as the...