by Marketing | Aug 9, 2022 | news
In 1902, a young experimental engineer wanted to put his Cornell University degree to work. Lucky for a New York printing company, this 25-year old was ready for a challenge. The problem? Extreme summer humidity. Pages swelled as the paper rolled through the...
by Marketing | Jul 26, 2022 | news
A customer called Mechanical Extremes about the Carrier Infinity HVAC system they had installed in his house. He had set his thermostat at 76. The temperature in the house was now 74, but the system continued to operate in a mode called “dehumidifying.” “Why?,” he...
by Marketing | Jul 11, 2022 | news
When temperatures rise, Mechanical Extremes hears this complaint often: “My air conditioning is running, but it’s not cooling…what’s the problem?” One of two issues, or both, are typically to blame. One is fairly easy to remedy; the other, not so much. A dirty...
by Marketing | Jun 20, 2022 | news
Once a year, Mechanical Extremes closes the doors, and the whole crew takes the day off. Why? The Annual Mechanical Extremes Golf Outing. All headed to the Lake LeAnn Golf Course for 18 holes of fun. But it was more than a round of golf. The entourage divided into...
by Marketing | Jun 14, 2022 | news
Losing power is no fun. Most of us can live without lights, heat, air, refrigeration, and water for a few hours. But what happens when that outage stretches into the next day, or worse yet, the next week? As learned last summer, storms can create havoc. Now a new...
by Marketing | Jun 1, 2022 | news
Two guys at a Michigan game are arguing. Over the ref? No. One guy is insisting that his is better than his buddy’s. What are they talking about? Each had a new air conditioner installed and they are talking about something called SEER. SEER is not something you...