Mechanical Extreme’s New Building

Mechanical Extreme’s New Building

“Our new building is designed to serve our customers better.”  That’s Harold Wilkes inspiration for Mechanical Extreme’s latest step forward.  The new location is on US 12, near the intersection of Meridian Road (US 127).  It will allow Mechanical Extreme crews to...

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Your Heating and AC–When to Buy and How to Choose

Your Heating and AC–When to Buy and How to Choose

Investing in new HVAC isn’t on the top of everyone’s list—unless you’re experiencing problems.  And, as we all know, problems don’t schedule themselves conveniently.  A furnace can quit on the coldest day of the year, over a weekend, or during a major holiday. Aside...

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You Work Hard for Your Money

You Work Hard for Your Money

You work hard for your money, why let dollars slip away?  Why waste money on heating and air conditioning energy costs when that leakage can be prevented? Harold Wilkes of Mechanical Extremes takes those questions seriously.  In the video below you’ll hear how one...

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Jack and Diane vs. Harold and Stacey

Jack and Diane vs. Harold and Stacey

A family business starts with family and from there extends its outreach.  Eventually the whole business feels like family.  Today Mechanical Extremes numbers 13. At the core of Mechanical Extremes are Harold and Stacey Wilkes.  What is their history?  Both are from a...

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The Dare to Be Different

The Dare to Be Different

Today Mechanical Extremes is a successful, local, small business.  It came about through the distinctly American spirit---a lot of hard work and the courage to be DIFFERENT. Harold Wilkes had been working for his former employer for 13 years.  He was the person his...

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Launching Mechanical Extremes

Harold Wilkes, founder of Mechanical Extremes, was perplexed.  In his previous work, his employer consistently put him in charge of jobs that demanded something extra--how to solve HVAC problems that others couldn’t handle. For quite a while, he felt he should be on...

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Customers Are Talking

Some Mechanical Extremes customers are talking behind their back.  What's up with that?  Be sure to click to find out. https://youtu.be/IO4lkevz0GQ

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Mechanical Extremes Was Born on a Lunch Break

Mechanical Extremes Was Born on a Lunch Break

Have you ever had a flash of insight that shaped the future?  Harold Wilkes did, and it had lasting consequences.  It affected countless people. Harold Wilkes found out how an “epiphany” arrives during a 30-minute lunch break. Before founding Mechanical Extremes,...

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