If customers come first, Mechanical Extremes’ new building is right on target. Located on US12 near the intersection of Meridian Road (US 127), it’s easier to reach and improves the customer experience. From this central location, Mechanical Extremes vehicles can show up faster and solve your problem more quickly.
From the earliest days of Mechanical Extremes, Harold Wilkes saw the importance of fashioning custom ductwork. Why? Off-the-shelf ductwork limits space-saving installations. And custom ductwork can be more energy efficient. Mechanical Extremes has a reputation for this rare specialty. Not only do builders and individuals come to Mechanical Extremes, but so do competitors. New working space will enhance this specialty—more machines and more room to move.
In this video, warm up as Harold Wilkes shows you the footprint of the new building on a summer-like day in November. Stacey Wilkes follows up on a cold day in December, so you can see progress.